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SOM Medical Education Faculty Toolbox: University Program

Faculty One Stop Resource for Onboarding


On this site, you will find a comprehensive list of resources for the University (WR2) Program including a list of teaching opportunities, links to the tools you need to access the curriculum, evaluate students, understand the academic calendar, and connect with the Office of Medical Education.
Thank you for your contributions to medical education! We are tremendously grateful for all the teaching and mentoring you do.

Teaching Resources

Blue icon for AquiferAquifer teaching and learning resources are developed and maintained by teams of leading medical educators who collaborate with their national education organizations to build courses and content within the areas of basic, clinical and health systems sciences.  The virtual, interactive, dynamic approach provided by Aquifer promotes individualized and engaged learning, clinical reasoning, and in-depth exploration of content. 



Blue icon for CanvasCanvas is the main learning management system that is used at the School of Medicine. Canvas contains courses in the first two years, clerkships, and some elective courses.


Blue icon for EaselEasel is used to find the Class rosters for medical students in University and College programs. 


Elentra is the (new) Medical Education online learning Management System, replacing Canvas for the University Program.

Please see the attached PDF with live links to all resources to be ready to use Elentra. 

Student Assessment

Blue icon for AssessmenteAssessment*: This is the system used by faculty to complete their weekly IQ assessments, IQ Mid Block Evaluations, IQ End of Block evaluations, Block 8 assessments, and review student ePortfolios.


Blue icon for AssessmentThe Clinical Assessment System is used for completing Core Clerkship Assessments. The assessments are broken down into Core/rotation sites. Using CAS, the discipline/rotation assessors complete Mid rotation feedback forms, End of rotation evaluation forms, and core clerkship assessments. They are able to provide both formative and summative feedback. In addition, clerkship faculty can access their student evaluations on this site.


For Early Praise

If you would like to share some great work from our medical students, please consider submitting an Early Praise. As part of the journey, medical students need both positive and constructive feedback. When they go above and beyond, please let us know so we can celebrate and reinforce these exemplary behaviors. 

For Early Concern

If you are concerned about a medical student or see something that is below the expected behavior of a student doctor, please submit the details as an Early Concern. This helps the medical school provide important feedback and coaching to students and often leads to interventions that prevent more serious trouble down the road. We are an organization of learning but also of accountability and the Early Concern process helps with this effort.

Please use the following links to submit feedback on student performance:


Students submit their portfolios through ePortfolio, which facilitates the writing of their self-reflective essays and the compilation of supporting evidence from a variety of narrative feedback sources throughout the curriculum.

Faculty review the students' portfolios through the Faculty eAssessment portal. Faculty are asked to read the students' essays, consider the supporting evidence they provide, and give them narrative feedback on their work.