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What is ORCID?

ORCID logo: lime green circle with "iD" centered in white lettersORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. As an Author Identifier, it allows you to reliably and unambiguously connect your name with your work throughout your career, including your published papers, research data, funding, institutional affiliations, or work history. Furthermore, your ORCID number:

  • Provides a means to distinguish between you and other authors with identical or similar names
  • Links together all of your works even if you have used different names over the course of your career
  • Makes it easy for others (grant funders, other researchers, etc.) to find your research output
  • Ensures that your work is clearly attributed to you


It is free and quick to set up your 16-digit ORCID number.

CWRU ORCID Resources

The CWRU campus libraries have compiled information and resources to help you to set up and use an ORCID iD account:

·         Cleveland Health Sciences Library LibGuide

·         Kelvin Smith Library Libguide

·         What is ORCID Video

·         A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record Video

·         Ten things you need to know about ORCiD right now  

·         Find out about the Mission and Vision of ORCID 

·         Publishers that require an ORCiD