EndNote is a citation management tool that helps you import citations from the web and plugs into Word to insert citations as you write.
EndNote is owned and operated by Clarivate, the same company that owns the database Web of Science.
EndNote basic is available for free, and only as a web-based library. EndNote basic comes with 2GB of storage. You can also choose to use the Cite While You Write Word plug-in for in-text citation editing.
You can use Endnote basic with or without Web of Science but will have the ability to save items directly to Endnote while in Web of Science (if logged in). Please note that while you can continue to use EndNote basic after you leave Stevens, you will no longer have the integration with Web of Science.
Clarivate Analytics' information about EndNote basic, especially how it compares to the desktop EndNote product, which they'd like you to buy.
Sign up or log into your EndNote basic account.
For more in-depth guidance on using EndNote, please consult our EndNote Guide.
EndNote basic comes preloaded with a set number of popular citation styles. You can add these to your "favorites" under the Format tab, and then under Bibliography. Find the one you need and click "Copy to Favorites", and it will then show up in the menu as a style to use when you format your paper or export references.
Note: you cannot download new files to EndNote basic beyond what is already included.
Find Cite While You Write in your EndNote basic account under the Format and Downloads tabs.
CWYW for Mac.
Includes info on collecting, managing and formatting references and how to use Cite While You Write.
This blog is actively maintained by the Rutgers University Libraries Health Sciences Libraries. The blog is a popular source for the latest information about EndNote.
EndNote 21 (the latest versiom) for desktop is available to purchase at a discount for CWRU faculty and staff. You can purchase EndNote at the UTech Software Center. The license is perpetual, which means if you leave CWRU you can take your EndNote 21 with you.
With this one software purchase, you can install EndNote on up to three computers running the same operating system