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Curriculum Resources for Faculty

Explores the supplemental services offered by various Database vendors for faculty to supplement their course curriculum.




Custom Curriculum

Custom Curriculum is an online syllabus creation and management tool which allows you to synthesize different content types (textbook chapters, videos, case files, self-assessment) into a targeted set of learning assignments for your students. Content can be pulled from AccessMedicine, as well as non-AccessMedicine sites (e.g., journal articles, blog posts, any web-based content). You also have the ability to run activity reports on your students, including assignment completion rates and scores for any self-assessment quizzes included in the assignments.

With Custom Curriculum you can:

  • Create and streamline the educational workflow;
  • Map content to your educational structure;
  • Create, track, and report usage of rotations online;
  • Select and incorporate related reference content, videos, and animations;
  • Assign quizzes, customize the number of questions, set the passing grades;
  • Create a syllabus based on those from other institutions;
  • Track student progress.

To use Custom Curriculum you will first need to create a personal account with AccessMedicine. This is done by clicking the Sign in button at the top right of the screen when you are on the AccessMedicine website. Initially, you will have to be on a device connected to a Case network (either on campus or on the VPN).  From the Sign In button, click Sign in or Create a Free MyAccess Profile.

AccessMedicine screenshot

Having clicked the Sign in or Create a Free MyAccess Profile link, you will be greeted by the following pop-up window: Click the button to continue.

AccessMedicine screenshot

When you register for a MyAccess profile you can use your credentials to:

  • Use AccessMedicine remotely;
  • Bookmark your favorite content;
  • Track your self-assessment progress;
  • Log Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Remote access to AccessMedicine is provided for a period of 90 days, which renews back to 90 days whenever you sign into your MyAccess Profile while at your institution or are authenticated through your institution's proxy access. If your 90 days has expired, you must login with your MyAccess Profile while at your institution or while authenticated through your institution's proxy to reset your remote access to the maximum of 90 days.

Other content in AccessMedicine includes the following:

  • Harrison's Internal Medicine
  • Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine
  • Schwartz's Principles of Surgery
  • Williams Obstetrics

But there is much more than just the textbook content, for instance, Harrison's includes chapters that are only available online, as well as the Harrison's Grand Rounds Lecture Series, including presentations with Category 1 CME credit.  And there are over 100 titles with such content, including:

  • thousands of downloadable high-quality images and radiographs
  • more than two hundred videos of diagnostic procedures
  • an app that lets you get content wherever you are

AccessMedicine screenshot


Other Features of AccessMedicine include:

Clerkship Corner

  • Content typically needed for a rotation in Internal Medicine
  • Allows you and the Clerks to maximize time by locating content where you need it


  • Auscultation Classroom: 20+ audio files of common auscultatory findings
  • Diagnostic and Imaging Studies: Videos include Cardiovascular studies, Fetal Ultrasonography, Gastrointestinal studies, Pulmonary studies, and Rheumatology studies.
  • Harrison's Pathophysiology Animations: 20 animations from Aortic Stenosis to Stroke Risk Assessment
  • Harrison's Podclass :discussions on key principles of internal medicine, around board-style case vignettes from the acclaimed  Harrison’s Self-Assessment and Board Review. 
  • Human Anatomy Modules: interactive modules allow for visualization of the human body in an interactive, 3D format where both male and female anatomy modules can be viewed.
  • Lectures in Anatomy, Diagnostic Reasoning, Genetics, Neurology, and Pharmacology
  • Patient Interview: 21 Patient Interviews from an Acutely Ill Patient to Disclosing Medical Errors
  • Patient Safety Modules: from Handwashing to Communication Concepts
  • Pharmacology: Videos include the physiological effects of drugs on Cardiology, Neurology, and include video lectures on Pharmacodynamics & Pharmacokinetics
  • Physical Exam: Videos on Neurology, Ophthalmology, and Orthopedics
  • Procedural Videos in Dermatology, Emergency Medicine/Intensive Care, Gastroenterology/Hepatology, Gynecology, Neurology, Orthopedics, and Pulmonology.
  • Differential Diagnosis Tool – Connect to more than 1,000 diagnoses through Diagnosaurus, a tool that saves you time by allowing you to browse by symptom, disease, or organ system at the point of care.

Practice Guidelines are annually updated guidelines from Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care that assist in disease screening, prevention, and management by providing succinct digest versions of longer original guidelines.

Diagnostic Tests from Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, is a quick reference guide to the selection and interpretation of commonly used diagnostic tests, including laboratory procedures in the clinical setting.

Quick Medical Dx & Rx is a collection of concise evidence-based outlines of conditions and disorders most often encountered in medical practice – perfect for high-yield review or for quick reference in the clinical setting.

Self-Assessment – Extensive Q&A from leading references such as Harrison’s Self-Assessment and Board Review and the LANGE textbooks to assist students and residents in exam preparation.

2 Minute Medicine – Concise and curated reviews and summaries of new medical studies. Studies are rated for the appraisal of evidence-based medicine.

Customizable Patient Education – Comprehensive, reliable healthcare information for adults, pediatrics, and medicines, available in multiple languages and for thousands of topics to help you help your patients understand their care and improve their health status. 

Integrated Drug Database – Look up dosing, indications, and adverse reactions quickly for generic and brand-name drugs, with printable patient handouts presented in English and Spanish.

Downloadable Images - Tens of thousands of photos and illustrations to aid in visual diagnosis are available to save and download to presentations for educational purposes.

Cases – A selection of cases from across the popular Case FilesTM series and Pathophysiology of Disease helps medical students better understand and evaluate real world experiences by offering questions to frame the case and the approach to the patient. 

CME – Receive CME credit for searches and prepare for in-services, certification, and recertification with content that covers a broad area of medicine.

AccessMedicine App

The AccessMedicine app delivers indispensable support and invaluable point of care solutions for clinical practice through these mobile features:

  • Quick Medical Dx & Rx is a collection of concise evidence-based outlines of conditions and disorders most often encountered in medical practice – perfect for high-yield review or for quick reference in the clinical setting.
  • Fitzpatrick’s Color Atlas of Clinical Dermatology facilitates dermatologic diagnosis by providing color images of skin lesions, plus a summary outline of skin disorders and diseases. 
  • Differential Diagnosis Tool provides more than 1,000 diagnoses through Diagnosaurus®, a McGraw-Hill Medical tool that efficiently allows you to browse by symptom, disease, or organ system at the point of care.
  • Diagnostic Tests, from Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, is a quick reference guide to the selection and interpretation of commonly used diagnostic tests, including laboratory procedures in the clinical setting.