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Curriculum Resources for Faculty

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Thieme MedOne

Thieme MedOne


Using MedOne

When you login to Thieme's MedOne you'll see a standard search bar at the top of the page. To the left of it are two buttons: Home and My MedOne.  Further down, you'll see a Filter option which lets you filter content by source: E-Books, Playlists, Images/Videos/Audio, and Questions and Answers.  As well, you can filter by Subject areas.

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To the right of the Filter area is a My Favorites area, which includes books you've saved and any Playlists you've created.  Another tab shows you the content you viewed most recently.  When you are reading a book in MedOne, you simply click the Yellow Star that appears next to the title you would like to save.  You save as many items as you like to My Favorites and re-order them however you like.

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E-Book Filter

The E-Book Filter provides a grid of ebooks that is 5 wide by 11 long (155 titles). You can sort them by Sub-Topic, Title, Author/Editor, Alphabetically, or by Publication Date. Selecting a title loads a standard Thieme E-Book content page with options at the top right to download the chapter as a pdf, share it, or open what is called Reader Mode. The Author/Editor is at the top left over the Title in a large font. Beneath is a picture of the front cover, including edition information, date, and a digital object identifier (doi), which is a direct link to the title.  Beneath that are three tabs: Content, Images, and Hits. Content  displays the Table of Contents in a collapsable menu.  Images show any images in the current article/chapter. Hits displays any search terms that you may have used when conducting a search of the MedOne platform or within a title; hits appear highlighted in yellow.  To the right in the E-book content page there is a search bar to search within the E-Book. Below that is the Section/Chapter heading in a small font and, to the right of it, a slider you can use to change the text size. Next there is the Section or Chapter heading, which includes a button for adding the chapter/section to a Playlist, the author of the section/chapter followed by Quick Access links to areas within the page.  Beneath that is the primary content.  The Quick Access links are quite efficient and there is a visual marker (a red circle) that indicates the start point for the Quick Access point you've selected.  At the bottom of a content section is a list of Recommended Reading, Source information, and a button to copy the bibliographic citation information.  There is also a Short link to the section/chapter, and a Next button.

Within the content, you can highlight text and add a Note, Copy, Search, or assign the highlighted selection to a Category. These highlights and noted selections are saved to your My MedOne profile.  You can choose from four colors when highlighting.

Playlist Filter

Thieme ScreenshotThe Playlist filter is organized in very much the same way as the E-Book Filter, with a section to the right that displays two tabs: My Playlist, and Public Playlists. My Playlists shows you those Playlists that you've created and the number of items saved within it. The Public Playlist shows you Playlists created by others and the number of subscribers to the Playlists.  You can sort Playlists by Name or the Date Updated. A Playlist content page is set up in precisely the same manner as the E-Book content page, with a Share button at the top. Under this, at top left, is an image of the Playlist, below it is options for making the Playlist public or not; beneath that are options to view images, create a Personal Checklist: which includes options to Add Group, Add URL, Upload a logo, or Add a file.  These tools make it possible to create a modest learning platform within the MedOne platform.  To the right is the main content area of the Playlist, including any saved items: Images, Chapters, etc.  You can edit or delete items in your Playlist as well.


Images/Videos/Audio Filter

Thieme ScreenshotThe Images/Videos/Audio Filter area displays, at the right, all of the multimedia content in the MedOne platform: at this time 48,874 items. Items can be sorted in a number of ways, including by Date, Relevance, List, or Grid.  When an item is selected, a new page loads with the selected content.  At the top there are icons for Printing, Loading into PowerPoint, Sending a Message to the Helpdesk, and adding the object to a Playlist or Pinning it to your start page. In the main content area there are thumbnails along the top followed by a viewer.  The image viewer allows you to zoom in and out, rotate the image, bring to its proper size, and open the image in a full window.  At the bottom of the content area is the item number from the E-Book and caption information as well as the Source (citation) and a DOI.


Questions and Answers Filter

This filter allows you to Create customized USMLE® style exam sessions and see how you've performed in the past. You can create a Review Session, which is defined as "A review session allows you to access answers and related explanations as you complete the questions. Additionally, review sessions can be extended if the time you have allotted runs out. Your session is available to review after completion as well;" or a Practice Exam, which is defined as "A practice exam hides all additional information besides the question and multiple-choice answers. The exam is finished when you select “finish session” or when time expires. Your exam is available for review, with correct answers and related explanations displayed, after it is completed."

When you Create a Session you can set the Number of Questions to be asked, the Time (duration) of the session, and set a time (duration) for each question.  There is a pool, currently of 1083 questions.  You can limit the Sessions by Subject Area, Organ System, or Clinical Vignette.  There are also options for how the questions display, including those you've Selected Before (or not), With Images (or without), and those you've Previously Answered Correctly (or Incorrectly).  And, finally, a button to Start the Session.

At the top of the Exam area are three tabs: Create Session, Recent Sessions, and Statistics.  The Statistics section is of considerable value as it lets you benchmark your performance and see previous results and times.


Using My MedOne

When you're logged in to the Thieme MedOne platform you can take advantage of the My MedOne features.  These features include: Taking Notes and Highlighting, creating a User Profile, My Playlists, My Content, as well as entering access codes and activating journal subscriptions to some content.


Taking Notes and Highlighting

Taking Notes and Highlighting is the default view when My MedOne loads. There are two tabs in the main content area: Resources/Content, and Category.  The Resources/Content area displays any content that you've saved while using the platform (clicking the yellow star), and the Category tab shows any categories you've created while saving content or creating a Playlist.

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User Profile

The User Profile tab shows your personal information and the products to which you have access.


My Playlists

This section shows the Playlists you've created and actually throws you OUT of the My MedOne area and back into the Home page area of MedOne.


My Content

The My Content button takes you to the default view of the MedOne Platform, which is the E-Book category.

In the My MedOne area there's also a section where you can Compare Images.  To Compare Images you enter the Images/Videos/Audio section and select two to four images.  To do so, there is small selection box at the lower right corner of each thumbnail.  To compare images, select two or more images and then click the Compare Images button at the lower right of the page.  A new page loads with the Thieme MedOne image viewer and the two images side by side.

About MedOne

Thieme is an international medical and science publisher that has been serving health professionals and students for more than 125 years.

MedOne is Thieme's platform for accessingThieme Screenshot Books, Images, Videos, Audio and other material that covers topics from Anatomy to Urology.  

There are 155 eBooks available through the platform, and over 48,000 images, videos, and audio files.  

Additionally, you can create tailored USMLE-style exam questions in any number of subject areas, organ systems, and check your results. 


MedOne also has a Playlist feature, which allows users to assemble favorite content collections in MedOne. Users can use their playlist as a private collection of content or share the playlist with other MedOne users. To create a Playlist, you will need to log‐on with a MedOne username/password. Go to the MedOne home page, and click the Playlists tab appearing under the Sources/Content section. From there, you'll follow the prompts to create your personal Playlist. All MedOne Education content to which Case subscribes can be added to your playlist by clicking the yellow star. You can add a book, you can add a chapter, you can add URLs to content, and content can be added, deleted, and shared.


E-Book Library

According to Thieme, Ebook Library content provides access to:

  • Focused coverage of every clinical and scientific course in the medical school curriculum
  • Practical two-page units featuring clear, concise text alongside full-color illustrations for easy reference and review
  • Ideal course supplement, study companion, and refresher for students and educators
  • Essential research resource for scientists and clinicians from every discipline
  • Constant expansion keeps subscribers abreast of new topics

You can also:

  • Access high-quality full-color illustrations;
  • Download books quickly, save and read full-text downloads offline;
  • Navigate through interactive tables of content and detailed indexes;
  • Use advanced searching tools for conducting field and full-text searches within individual books or throughout the entire E-Book Library;
  • Create personalized accounts that allow you to create bookshelves, set bookmarks, add notes, copy and print content directly, or download and print full chapters;

Thieme E-Book Library The Thieme E-Book Library provides students, researchers and clinicians unlimited online access to a collection of lavishly illustrated full-color downloadable medical textbooks from Thieme’s renowned Color Atlases and Flexibook series. The books systematically cover every course in the medical school curriculum, making them an exceptional resource for learning, review, and research in medicine and the life sciences.